As for the layout and stylesheet, I'm really happy with how it came along. I had been writing some basic HTML and CSS for a few months
of school, but that was around two years ago. It was refreshing to do web development from the ground up again and found that my skills
haven't deteriorated as much as I initially feared. In fact, I believe this site looks much better than the previous WordPress powered one.
This WordPress page I'm talking about used a pre-made theme made by someone else. Of course, building on top of that
is near impossible since I have no idea what thing does what if that makes any sense. Now that this site is being written by me,
building it on top of the foundation will be much easier. Plus, using WordPress entails messing with PHP, SQL databases and some JavaScript. Now normally
this is all automated and made as user-friendly as possible, but I want to keep it simple. I need nothing more than basic HTML and CSS.
I wanna talk about the landing page because it's so damn sick and cool. Anyone who is familiarized with my maps will know about the Lonely's Fightclub 2.0 menu that I made some time ago. I used that very same menu as a reference for the landing page. As a matter of fact, t's an almost 1 to 1 replica with a few design changes because web design.
But make no mistake. There are many big cons to making a blog this way, for instance, updating
it is a purely manual endeavor. With my previous WordPress page everything was automated. When I published an article,
it was immediately visible on the main page as well as the sidebar. Category pages were updated and showed their respective
articles. But now, when I write a new not only do I have to update the home page,
but also add a link to the respective category page. It's much more laborious.
This brings me to the process of updating the site. The page that is hosted on the Apache server and open to the public will usually be a few iterations older than the one I
edit locally on my computer. When I'm ready to publish an update, such as after writing an article or editing an already existing page, I'll upload the new iteration of the site
onto the local server where the site is hosted on via FTP.
Regardless, I think it looks cool as hell and I'm more than happy to write articles here. As for the type of articles I'll be posting, I really want to go for quality over quantity this time. Even if there's a several month wait between each one, it's a valid sacrifice if it means publishing better and more comprehensive articles. As always, I'll periodically post updates on my maps here.